Text To Link Generator

Link URL
Link Text

Generate Link



Text To Link Generator

Are you looking to create an HTML link? If so, then you can use the Text To Link Generator on this page.

All you need is the URL of the website you want to link to and the text you want to use as the link. Simply copy and paste that information into the text boxes in the tool and presto – your link is created!

If you need some help understanding what all of the options in the Text To Link Generator mean you can learn more about each attribute below.



HTML Link Target



By default, links use the _self target attribute which opens the linked document in the same page or tab.



The target attribute of an HTML link can be set to _blank to open the link in a different page or tab. For example, this link will open in a new tab:

<a href=”https://www.example.com” targe=”_blank”>Vist example.com</a>



If you want to open a link in the same (parent) window as the one containing the current page, use the _parent target attribute. For example, this HTML code:

<a href=”http://www.google.com” target=”_parent”>Google</a>



The _top value opens the link in the full body of the current browsing context (i.e., highest ancestor of the current browsing context).



HTML Link Type



To create a URL link, you need to use the <a> tag and include the “href” attribute. The value of the “href” attribute is the complete URL of the file you want to link to.

For example, if you want to create a link to Google’s home page, your HTML code would look like this:

<a href=”https://www.google.com/”>Google</a>



A tel link opens a new phone window or tab with the telephone number pre-filled in. When the recipient clicks on the link, they’ll be prompted to call the number.

A tel link opens a phone number in a new window. Here’s an example:

<a href=”tel:+18005551212″>1-800-555-1212</a>



The mailto link type is used to create a hyperlink that opens the user’s email application with a pre-populated email address. Here’s an example of how it works:

<a href=”mailto:[email protected]”>Send me an email!</a>

When a user clicks on the Send me an email! hyperlink, their email application will open and the address [email protected] will be automatically populated in the To field.


HTML Link Download

The “download” attribute can be used to specify that the linked file should be downloaded instead of opened in a web browser. For example, the following link will cause the file “file.pdf” to be downloaded rather than opened in a web browser:

<a href=”https://example.com/file.pdf” download>Download PDF</a>



HTML Link Attributes



The alternate attribute specifies an alternate URL for the hyperlink. This can be used to provide a fallback when a link is unavailable, or to serve different content to users depending on their location.

For example, you could use the alternate attribute to specify an English version of a website for users in the United States, and a Spanish version of the website for users in Mexico.



The author attribute tells browsers and search engines who wrote the content of a link. This is especially useful when attributing articles that have been syndicated or when linking to an author’s contact information.



The “bookmark” attribute is used to create a bookmarkable link, and it is used to create a permalink to the ancestor section of a link marked with the bookmark attribute.



The external attribute is used to identify links that are not part of the current site. When this attribute is present, you can target it via CSS to style the link differently to inform users they will be leaving your site.



The help link attribute indicates that the linked asset provides relevant help for users who click on the link.



The license attribute indicates the license under which the hyperlink’s contents are made available. This can be used to provide information to users about the licensing of content that they might find on your page. For example, if you include a link to a Creative Commons photo on your page, you can use the license attribute to indicate that fact to users.



The “next” link attribute specifies the next document to be loaded in a series of documents presented as a sequential group (e.g. a set of articles, a presentation, etc.).



The “nofollow” attribute is an HTML link attribute that tells search engine spiders to ignore the link. This can be used if you don’t want a particular page or site to receive any credit (or PageRank) for the link.

This attribute is often used on links that are not endorsed by the linking site but can also be used more generally as a way of preventing links from being followed when you don’t want them to be.



The noopener attribute opens the target link in a new browsing context, which is not related to the browsing context in which the link was clicked. This is helpful when you want to protect any data in the current browsing context (ie. cookies).



When you click on a link, your browser sends along some information about where a visitor came from (the “referrer”). If you don’t want this information to be sent, you can use the noreferrer attribute. This will tell the browser not to send any referrer information with the request.



The opener attribute creates an auxiliary browsing context to the link. The opposite of noopener, this will allow the new browsing context to access the linked page’s content and cookies. This is generally used when linking to pages from within frames or iframes.



The preconnect attribute hints to the browser that it should connect to the target origin, even if there is no page navigation taking place. This can be helpful in cases where a user might click on a link but has yet to navigate to the target page. By precondnecting to the target origin, the browser can save time in waiting for the connection to be established later on during the actual navigation.



The ‘prefetch’ link attribute hints to the browser that it should fetch and cache the target resource. This can be useful for resources that are needed on subsequent pages, such as ads or social media widgets.

The ‘hints’ link attribute is a newer addition to the HTML specification, and it is not fully implemented or supported by all browsers.



The preload attribute is a new attribute available in HTML5. The preload attribute is used to specify that the browser must preemptively fetch and cache the target resource.



The prerender attribute tells the browser to download and process the target resource in the background, before the user has a chance to interact with it. This can be useful for resources that take a long time to load, or that you want to appear as quickly as possible on the page.



The prev attribute specifies a link to the previous document in a series of related documents. For example, if you have a series of documents, you could use prev and next links to create a user interface that would allow users to easily navigate between the documents.

The code for a prev link looks like this: <a href=”previous-document.html” rel=”prev”>Previous</a>.

And the code for a next link looks like this: <a href=”next-document.html” rel=”next”>Next</a>.



The HTML <a> tag’s search attribute allows you to create a search link. When a user clicks on the link, they will be taken to a page where they can search for more information related to the current page.



The “sponsored” attribute is an HTML attribute that can be used to indicate that a link has been paid for. The purpose of the attribute is to help web browsers and search engines like Google determine which links are sponsored and which are naturally placed.



The tag attribute defines a relationship between two documents. The most common use is to specify a link between a tag group.